Saturday, September 12, 2015

Some of the most famous books (science)

I got to share with you some of the most famous books of science. These nets are not very readily available, so we had to buy these kinds of books they read, love to read. In this article, I have tried several classic books on science Media links to share with you.
Carl saganera kasamosa a remarkable book. Universe, time travel, etc. on the subject of the e-book of non-fiction in the first row position. Today I share with you in this book. Media Fire can not find a lot of links, so repidoi trust. 
The media are all linked to the fire this time B-)
Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time, there is nothing new to her.
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene, this is no longer a remarkable baih

Carl saganera Read the cosmic connection, the universe A new dekhabena
The Two Chief World Systems, Galileo gyalilei --- dialog kanasaranim
Nicholas Copernicus was the first model of the solar system heliosentrika "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres" link to book 
Darwin's Origin of the Species Download
Sigamunda phrayeda interpretation of Dreams
All of these books are in English. Thank you all for posting

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