Monday, September 14, 2015

Diploma-in e-books for students in the sixth episode of the computer injiyara Android App

Bismillah Rahmanir-Rahim (In the name of Allah, Most Gracious)," Ladies and Gentlemen. How are you all ??? I hope by the grace of God is good. If you give a good tune, "Inshallah," I'll be good.
Today I picked up for another android app I created. Diploma-in e-books for students in the sixth episode of the computer injiyara Android App. This app has been included in the book
Data Communication and Computer Network, Microprocessor and Microcomputer, Computer peripherals, Computer System Software, Business Organization and Communication, Web development.
Apart from the sixth semester of a computer without internet kaneksana be able to read any book. The first time you only have to download books and books with this app you can download another one.
Screenshot seen:

download link :
Google playstore: Download
Direct Link: Download
We hope you'll epati. Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, stay healthy.
We hope you'll epati. Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, stay healthy.
We hope you'll epati. Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, well thakunaasa think you'll epati. Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, well thakunaasa think you'll epati. Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, well thakunaasa think you'll epati.Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, well thakunaasa think you'll epati.Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, well thakunaasa think you'll epati.Tiunamenta absyai not a problem. If you tune in to share. Very good article, stay healthy.

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